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Manihi1964 - 1
Matrice1951 - 7
Masthead1944 - 8
Blue Peter (1936) - 20
Schiaparelli (1935) - 8
La Patrice1941 - 7
St Magnus (1933) - 13
La Joconde (1928) - 7
Beauteous1959 - 1
Newtown Wonder1942 - 11
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Clarapple (1936) - 11
Maderson1947 - 1
Brueghel (1932) - 22
Creusa (1942) - 1
Smartly Away1965 - +
Harleigh1956 - 5
Nasrullah1940 - 9
Nearco (1935) - 4
Mumtaz Begum (1932) - 9
Hot Slippers1945 - 4
Our Boots (1938) - 14
Tropic Night (1939) - 4
Mid-Day Belle1954 - NZ
Mid-Day Sun1934 - 8
Solario (1922) - 26
Bridge Of Allan (1928) - 8
Air Belle1945 - NZ
Airway (1937) - 3
Te Marua (1937) - NZ
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