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Saggy1945 - 6
Swing And Sway1938 - 23
Equipoise1928 - 5
Pennant (1911) - 8
Swinging (1922) - 5
Nedana1922 - 23
Negofol (1906) - 17
Adana (1908) - 23
Chantress1939 - 6
Hyperion1930 - 6
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Selene (1919) - 6
Surbine1924 - 6
Bachelor's Double (1906) - 21
Datine (1917) - 6
The Heater1949 - 13
Flushing II1939 - 14
Mahmoud1933 - 9
Blenheim II (1927) - 1
Mah Mahal (1928) - 9
Callandar1931 - 14
Buchan (1916) - 16
Calendula (1926) - 14
Live Wire1932 - 13
High Time1916 - 1
Ultimus (1906) - 14
Noonday (1898) - 1
Starless Moment1928 - 13
North Star III (1914) - 4
Breathless Moment (1923) - 13
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