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Infinite1921 - 5
Ultimus1906 - 14
Commando1898 - 12
Domino (1891) - 23
Emma C (1892) - 12
Running Stream1898 - 14
Dancing Water (1887) - 14
Continental1910 - 5
Yankee1899 - 23
Hanover (1884) - 15
Correction (1888) - 23
Royal Gun1893 - 5
Royal Hampton (1882) - 11
Spring Gun (1880) - 5
Good Return1932 - 3
Olambala1906 - 21
Ornus1891 - 9
Bend Or (1877) - 1
Ashgrove (1883) - 9
Blue And White1887 - 21
Virgil (1864) - 20
Madame Dudley (1868) - 21
Joan Of Kent1923 - 3
Granite1908 - 14
Rockton (1897) - A18
Adriutha (1901) - 14
Margaret Kent1900 - 3
Plaudit (1895) - 21
Maid Of Kent (1886) - 3
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