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Gospill Hill1970 - 6
Crepello1954 - 16
Donatello II1934 - 14
Blenheim II (1927) - 1
Delleana (1925) - 14
Crepuscule1948 - 16
Mieuxce (1933) - 7
Red Sunset (1941) - 16
Lowna1965 - 6
Princely Gift1951 - 13
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Blue Gem (1943) - 13
Gillamoor1960 - 6
Big Game (1939) - 6
Angola (1955) - 6
Hookita1965 - 2
Hook Money1951 - 1
Bernborough1939 - 1
Emborough (1932) - 1
Bernmaid (1921) - 1
Besieged1940 - 1
Balladier (1932) - 3
La Troienne (1926) - 1
Petita1957 - 2
Petition1944 - 16
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Art Paper (1933) - 16
Kilquhanity1947 - 2
Anne Of Essex (1941) - 2
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