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Golovine1950 - 1
Precipitation1933 - 2
Hurry On1913 - 2
Marcovil (1903) - 12
Tout Suite (1904) - 2
Double Life1926 - 2
Bachelor's Double (1906) - 21
Saint Joan (1918) - 2
Coppelia1932 - 1
Son-In-Law1911 - 5
Dark Ronald (1905) - 9
Mother In Law (1906) - 5
Premiere Danseuse1926 - 1
Phalaris (1913) - 1
Queen Of The Ballet (1916) - 1
Eulogette1947 - 22
Bulandshar1929 - 5
Blandford1919 - 3
Swynford (1907) - 1
Blanche (1912) - 3
La Douairiere1924 - 5
Spearmint (1903) - 1
Dormouse (1911) - 5
Dunmurry1941 - 22
Spiral1930 - 14
Limond (1913) - 1
Drax (1921) - 14
Imposture1933 - 22
Posterity (1926) - 2
Impetuous (1928) - 22
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