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Making Time1980 - 2
Century1969 - 20
Better Boy1951 - 2
My Babu (1945) - 1
Better So (1944) - 2
Royal Suite1960 - 20
Rego (1949) - 5
Baraganda (1948) - 20
Be Merry1972 - 2
Red Gauntlet1957 - 1
Nearula (1950) - 1
Red Shoes (1948) - 1
Shillelagh Girl1961 - 2
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Renegade (1952) - 2
Faerron's Gift1982 -
Gala Gift1975 -
Gala Crest1962 - 5
Gala Performance (1950) - 15
By The Sea (1953) - 5
Todman's Gift1971 - 31
Todman (1954) - 1
Birthday Card (1959) - 31
Cloudy Stream1964 - 2
Smokey Eyes1947 - 13
Stardust (1937) - 16
Celestial Light (1940) - 13
Brimstream1954 - 2
Brimstone (1947) - 1
Follies (1945) - 2
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