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Ballyheron1918 - 16
Santoi1897 - 1
Queen's Birthday1887 - 11
Hagioscope (1878) - 23
Matilda (1880) - 11
Merry Wife1891 - 1
Merry Hampton (1884) - 22
Connie (1884) - 1
Anxious1910 - 16
Eager1894 - 1
Enthusiast (1886) - 27
Greeba (1890) - 1
Mint Agnes1904 - 16
Minting (1883) - 1
Red Agnes (1891) - 16
Run1914 - 10
Fils Du Vent1906 - 5
Flying Fox1896 - 7
Orme (1889) - 11
Vampire (1889) - 7
Airs And Graces1895 - 5
Ayrshire (1885) - 8
Lady Alwyne (1887) - 5
Lira1908 - 10
Sac-A-Papier1896 - 19
Salisbury (1884) - 32
First Flight (1889) - 19
Elly Langden1901 - 10
Ruler (1884) - 3
Mary Langden (1890) - 10
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