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Benchmark1991 - 3
Alydar1975 - 9
Raise A Native1961 - 8
Native Dancer (1950) - 5
Raise You (1946) - 8
Sweet Tooth1965 - 9
On-And-On (1956) - 23
Plum Cake (1958) - 9
Winters' Love1982 - 3
Danzig1977 - 7
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Pas De Nom (1968) - 7
Cold Hearted1974 - 3
The Axe II (1958) - 1
Turn To North (1965) - 3
Perfectly Pretty1999 - 12
Bertrando1989 - 4
Skywalker1982 - 2
Relaunch (1976) - 3
Bold Captive (1971) - 2
Gentle Hands1979 - 4
Buffalo Lark (1970) - 16
Three Red Bells (1969) - 4
Lasting Beauty1993 - 12
Storm Cat1983 - 8
Storm Bird (1978) - 4
Terlingua (1976) - 8
With Style1985 - 12
Smarten (1976) - A13
Leisure Road (1970) - 12
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