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Mark Of Esteem1993 - 17
Darshaan1981 - 13
Shirley Heights1975 - 1
Mill Reef (1968) - 22
Hardiemma (1969) - 1
Delsy1972 - 13
Abdos (1959) - 1
Kelty (1965) - 13
Homage1989 - 17
Ajdal1984 - 7
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Native Partner (1966) - 7
Home Love1976 - 17
Vaguely Noble (1965) - 1
Homespun (1969) - 17
Classic Form1993 - 2
Alzao1980 - 9
Lyphard1969 - 17
Goofed (1960) - 17
Lady Rebecca1971 - 9
Sir Ivor (1965) - 8
Pocahontas (1955) - 9
Formulate1976 - 2
Reform1964 - 5
Pall Mall (1955) - 7
Country House (1955) - 5
Tabulator1963 - 2
Never Say Die (1951) - 1
Two Fold (1955) - 2
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