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Maurice2011 - 10
Screen Hero2004 - 1
Grass Wonder1995 - 12
Silver Hawk (1979) - 21
Ameriflora (1989) - 12
Running Heroine1993 - 1
Sunday Silence (1986) - 3
Dyna Actress (1983) - 1
Mejiro Frances2001 - 10
Carnegie1991 - 16
Sadler's Wells (1981) - 5
Detroit (1977) - 16
Mejiro Monterey1986 - 10
Mogami (1976) - 1
Mejiro Quincey (1981) - 10
Ravarino2004 - 4
Unbridled's Song1993 - 4
Unbridled1987 - 1
Fappiano (1977) - 16
Gana Facil (1981) - 1
Trolley Song1983 - 4
Caro (1967) - 3
Lucky Spell (1971) - 4
Sous Entendu1987 - 4
Shadeed1982 - 1
Nijinsky II (1967) - 8
Continual (1976) - 1
It's In The Air1976 - 4
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
A Wind Is Rising (1969) - 4
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