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My Call1960 - 14
Summertime1946 - 1
Precipitation1933 - 2
Hurry On (1913) - 2
Double Life (1926) - 2
Great Truth1937 - 1
Bahram (1932) - 16
Frankly (1925) - 1
Often1955 - 14
Royal Chief1934 - 4
Chief Ruler (1920) - 1
Modiste II (1925) - 4
Secret Flight1937 - 14
Night Raid (1918) - 1
Full Fling (1925) - 14
Lady Potent1960 - 2
Potent1946 - 3
Rosegain1932 - 3
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Rose Of England (1927) - 3
Bonny Deal1946 - 2
Straight Deal1940 - 1
Solario (1922) - 26
Good Deal (1932) - 1
Silver Mount1927 - 2
Puttenden (1919) - 16
Demurrage (1908) - 2
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