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Admiral Lincoln1979 - 22
Sir Tristram1971 - 6
Sir Ivor1965 - 8
Sir Gaylord (1959) - 2
Attica (1953) - 8
Isolt1961 - 6
Round Table (1954) - 2
All My Eye (1954) - 6
Clandara1968 - 22
Sobig1961 - 1
Summertime (1946) - 1
Passive (1953) - 1
Challen1957 - 22
Ruthless (1941) - 7
Golden Climax (1947) - 22
Horton's Best1977 -
Bismark II1967 - 13
Relic1945 - 8
War Relic (1938) - 1
Bridal Colors (1931) - 8
Gun Play1959 - 13
Wilwyn (1948) - 7
Agin The Law (1946) - 13
Mikasa1968 - 22
Sovereign Edition1962 - 13
Sovereign Path (1956) - 4
Latest Edition (1951) - 13
Leimalia1962 - 22
Pharamond (1957) - 1
Queen Hippolyte (1951) - 22
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