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Desert Sun1988 - 10
Green Desert1983 - A4
Danzig1977 - 7
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Pas De Nom (1968) - 7
Foreign Courier1979 - A4
Sir Ivor (1965) - 8
Courtly Dee (1968) - A4
Solar1973 - 10
Hotfoot1966 - 1
Firestreak (1956) - 2
Pitter Patter (1953) - 1
L'Anguissola1967 - 10
Soderini (1961) - 5
Posh (1958) - 10
Miss Snazzi1986 - 7
One Pound Sterling1972 - 1
Sovereign Path1956 - 4
Grey Sovereign (1948) - 6
Mountain Path (1948) - 4
Doris White1966 - 1
Black Beard (1959) - 1
My Alison (1954) - 1
Bottle Drive1977 - 7
Pass The Bottle1968 - 10
Round Table (1954) - 2
Palatina (1958) - 10
Vicksburgh1969 - 7
Orgoglio (1949) - 23
Salvia (1963) - 7
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