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Gallinule1884 - 19
Isonomy1875 - 19
Sterling1868 - 12
Oxford (1857) - 12
Whisper (1857) - 12
Isola Bella1868 - 19
Stockwell (1849) - 3
Isoline (1860) - 19
Moorhen1873 - 19
Hermit1864 - 5
Newminster (1848) - 8
Seclusion (1857) - 5
Skirmisher Mare1865 - 19
Skirmisher (1854) - 2
Vertumna (1859) - 19
Red Queen1887 - 4
Uncas1865 - 1
Stockwell1849 - 3
The Baron (1842) - 24
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Nightingale1857 - 1
Mountain Deer (1848) - 24
Clarinda (1846) - 1
Queen Of The Hills1879 - 4
Exminster1869 - 7
Stockings (1863) - 7
Queen Of The May1868 - 4-g
King Of Trumps (1849) - 2
Lady Hawthorn (1854) - 4
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