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Semillant1965 - 16
Florin1951 - 21
Falls Of Clyde1944 - 8
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Hyndford Bridge (1932) - 8
Divel1945 - 21
William Of Valence (1932) - 21
Nearly (1940) - 21
Fillette1959 - 16
Fast Fox1947 - 3
Fastnet (1933) - 9
Foxcraft (1940) - 3
Frill1951 - 16
Vatellor (1933) - 12
Fragment (1938) - 16
M'selle Mill1958 - 14
One Count1949 - 25
Count Fleet1940 - 6
Reigh Count (1925) - 2
Quickly (1930) - 6
Ace Card1942 - 25
Case Ace (1934) - 1
Furlough (1937) - 25
Tannette1946 - 14
Bimelech1937 - 1
Black Toney (1911) - 10
La Troienne (1926) - 1
Forever Yours1933 - 14
Toro (1925) - 2
Winsome Way (1928) - 14
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