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Pirateer1975 - 1
Roberto1969 - 12
Hail To Reason1958 - 4
Turn-To (1951) - 1
Nothirdchance (1948) - 4
Bramalea1959 - 12
Nashua (1952) - 3
Rarelea (1949) - 12
Joans Paris1968 - 1
Chieftain1961 - 9
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Pocahontas (1955) - 9
Pride Of Paris1954 - 1
Double Jay (1944) - 14
Holiday Girl (1943) - 1
Misty Down1987 - 25
Handsome One1978 - 4
Cougar1966 - 7
Tale Of Two Cities (1951) - 20
Cindy Lou II (1955) - 7
She's Beautiful1964 - 4
On-And-On (1956) - 23
In The Act (1960) - 4
Loridown1978 - 25
Barrydown1970 - 16
Intentionally (1956) - 5
Foxy Quilla (1959) - 16
Sherri Ruler1966 - 25
Strong Ruler (1955) - 1
Double Sherry (1961) - 25
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