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The Green Monkey2004 - 13
Forestry1996 - 13
Storm Cat1983 - 8
Storm Bird (1978) - 4
Terlingua (1976) - 8
Shared Interest1988 - 13
Pleasant Colony (1978) - 5
Surgery (1976) - 13
Magical Masquerade1998 - 13
Unbridled1987 - 1
Fappiano (1977) - 16
Gana Facil (1981) - 1
Nannerl1987 - 13
Valid Appeal (1972) - 2
Allouette (1980) - 13
Junior Prom Queen2007 - 1
Eddington2001 - 3
Fashion Star1992 - 3
Chief's Crown (1982) - 23
Miss Ivor (1975) - 3
That's It Doc1998 - 1
Crafty Prospector1979 - 1
Mr Prospector (1970) - 13
Real Crafty Lady (1975) - 1
I Fell For It1989 - 1
Hagley (1967) - 17
Toveris (1980) - 1
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