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Lucratif1984 - 11
Cure The Blues1978 - 2
Stop The Music1970 - 11
Hail To Reason (1958) - 4
Bebopper (1962) - 11
Quick Cure1971 - 2
Dr Fager (1964) - 1
Speedwell (1960) - 2
Lucaya1978 - 11
Mill Reef1968 - 22
Never Bend (1960) - 19
Milan Mill (1962) - 22
La Mirande1972 - 11
Le Fabuleux (1961) - 13
La Magnanarelle (1961) - 11
Medal Rose1979 - 19
Medal1969 - 8
Princely Gift1951 - 13
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Blue Gem (1943) - 13
La Victoria1963 - 8
Milesian (1953) - 22
Kilcarn Victory (1947) - 8
Prix De Felix1974 - 19
Chez Felix1967 - 1
Felix (1958) - 1
Asset (1961) - 1
Prix De Roses1969 - 19
Holborn (1962) - 2
Fleckers Rose (1956) - 19
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