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Citadel1859 - 20
Stockwell1849 - 3
The Baron1842 - 24
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Echidna (1838) - 24
Pocahontas1837 - 3
Glencoe (1831) - 1
Marpessa (1830) - 3
Sortie1851 - 20
Melbourne1834 - 1
Humphrey Clinker (1822) - 8
Cervantes Mare (1825) - 1
Escalade1846 - 20
Touchstone (1831) - 14
Ghuznee (1838) - 20
Annette1859 - 12
Scythian1851 - 1
Orlando1841 - 13
Vulture (1833) - 13
Scythia1846 - 1
Hetman Platoff (1836) - 2
The Princess (1841) - 1
Alice Carneal1836 - 12
Sarpedon1828 - 13
Emilius (1820) - 28
Icaria (1824) - 13
Rowena1826 - 12
Sumpter (1818) - 4
Lady Grey (1817) - 12
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