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Le Levanstell1957 - 7
Le Lavandou1944 - 4
Djebel1937 - 5
Tourbillon (1928) - 13
Loika (1926) - 5
Lavande1936 - 4
Rustom Pasha (1927) - 2
Livadia (1927) - 4
Stella's Sister1950 - 7
Ballyogan1939 - 2
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Serial (1932) - 2
My Aid1933 - 7
Knight Of The Garter (1921) - 4
Flying Aid (1918) - 7
Feemoss1960 - 1
Ballymoss1954 - 2
Mossborough1947 - 6
Nearco (1935) - 4
All Moonshine (1941) - 6
Indian Call1936 - 2
Singapore (1927) - 8
Flittemere (1926) - 2
Feevagh1951 - 1
Solar Slipper1945 - 10
Windsor Slipper (1939) - 5
Solar Flower (1935) - 10
Astrid Wood1944 - 1
Bois Roussel (1935) - 16
Astrid (1938) - 1
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