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Colonial Affair1990 - 13
Pleasant Colony1978 - 5
His Majesty1968 - 4
Ribot (1952) - 4
Flower Bowl (1952) - 4
Sun Colony1968 - 5
Sunrise Flight (1959) - 5
Colonia (1959) - 5
Snuggle1985 - 13
Nijinsky II1967 - 8
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Flaming Page (1959) - 8
Mirthful Flirt1972 - 13
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Glad Rags (1963) - 13
Consider The Lily1991 - 19
Fappiano1977 - 16
Mr Prospector1970 - 13
Gold Digger (1962) - 13
Killaloe1970 - 16
Dr Fager (1964) - 1
Grand Splendor (1962) - 16
Top Corsage1983 - 19
Topsider1974 - 5
Drumtop (1966) - 5
Corsage1975 - 19
Native Royalty (1967) - 4
Rare Bouquet (1963) - 19
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