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Lappy1975 - 3
Virginia Gentleman1965 - 16
Crocket1960 - 1
King Of The Tudors (1950) - 19
Chandelier (1955) - 1
Vivien1954 - 16
Nearco (1935) - 4
Straight Verse (1946) - 16
Society1966 - 3
Coronation Boy1951 - 16
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Persian Bloom (1940) - 16
Pomme Girl1959 - 3
Newtown Wonder (1942) - 11
Fordlete (1947) - 3
Solidify1978 - 16
Pelopides1971 - 2
Vaguely Noble1965 - 1
Vienna (1957) - 14
Noble Lassie (1956) - 1
Pamplona II1956 - 2
Postin (1940) - 9
Society's Way (1950) - 2
Direct Approach1973 - 16
Atilla1961 - 1
Alcide (1955) - 2
Festoon (1951) - 1
Mountain Rose1961 - 16
Hill Gail (1949) - 11
Barosa (1952) - 16
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