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Calepino1899 - 22
Camors1887 - 14
Edward The Confessor1878 - 13
Hermit (1864) - 5
The Princess Of Wales (1862) - 13
Omphale1882 - 14
Il Gladiatore (1874) - 7
Disguise (1866) - 14
Belle Rake1891 - 22
Beau Brummel1880 - 17
George Frederick (1871) - 13
Ma Belle (1874) - 17
Rakestale1886 - 22
The Rake (1864) - 1
Syrian Princess (1879) - 22
Cherette1898 - 19
Melton1882 - 8
Master Kildare1875 - 3
Lord Ronald (1862) - 7
Silk (1869) - 3
Violet Melrose1875 - 8-g
Scottish Chief (1861) - 12
Violet (1864) - 8
Ma Chere1887 - 19
Arbitrator1874 - 27
Solon (1861) - 23
True Heart (1864) - 27
The Widgeon1878 - 19
Uncas (1865) - 1
Nu (1862) - 19
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