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Pins1996 - 16
Snippets1984 - 20
Lunchtime1970 - 7
Silly Season (1962) - 1
Great Occasion (1965) - 7
Easy Date1977 - 20
Grand Chaudiere (1968) - 19
Scampering (1970) - 20
No Finer1979 - 16
Kaoru Star1965 - 31
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Kaoru (1955) - 31
Humour1962 - 16
Pirate King (1953) - 21
Real Delight (1951) - 16
Haylee Baylee2000 - 24
Oregon1988 - 1
Halo1969 - 2
Hail To Reason (1958) - 4
Cosmah (1953) - 2
Three Troikas1976 - 1
Lyphard (1969) - 17
Three Roses (1968) - 1
Mac's Gold1992 - 24
Le Belvedere1983 - 1
Miswaki (1978) - 16
Louisville (1977) - 1
Greate1987 - 24
Church Parade (1978) - 2
Dell O Mac (1976) - 24
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