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Monongahela1988 - 16
Danzig1977 - 7
Northern Dancer1961 - 2
Nearctic (1954) - 14
Natalma (1957) - 2
Pas De Nom1968 - 7
Admiral's Voyage (1959) - 4
Petitioner (1952) - 7
Sea Sister1971 - 16
Sea-Bird1962 - 2
Dan Cupid (1956) - 4
Sicalade (1956) - 2
Shama1961 - 16
Bold Ruler (1954) - 8
Lea Lark (1945) - 16
Bride Of Clyde1980 - 3
Lucky Monkey1969 - 10
Le Levanstell1957 - 7
Le Lavandou (1944) - 4
Stella's Sister (1950) - 7
Dialectic1962 - 10
Red God (1954) - 8
Double-Entendre (1947) - 10
Bridal Suite1964 - 3
Romantic1960 - 14
Princely Gift (1951) - 13
Big Romance (1946) - 14
Florice1959 - 3
Matrice (1951) - 7
Floramel (1951) - 3
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