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Epistle1956 - 12
Palestine1947 - 3
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway (1925) - 13
Lady Juror (1919) - 9
Una1930 - 3
Tetratema (1917) - 14
Uganda (1921) - 3
Mazarinade1946 - 12
Mazarin1938 - 16
Mieuxce (1933) - 7
Boiarinia (1926) - 16
Neandria1941 - 12
Nearco (1935) - 4
Lapel (1935) - 12
Regal Gesture1961 - 26
King's Own1950 - 3
Chamossaire1942 - 6
Precipitation (1933) - 2
Snowberry (1937) - 6
Faerie Lore1940 - 3
Rhodes Scholar (1933) - 1
Faerie Queene (1935) - 3
Airs And Graces1944 - 26
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