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Hourless1914 - 4
Negofol1906 - 17
Childwick1890 - 19
St Simon (1881) - 11
Plaisanterie (1882) - 19
Nebrouze1899 - 17
Hoche (1889) - 19
Nebuleuse (1887) - 17
Hour Glass II1909 - 4
Rock Sand1900 - 4
Sainfoin (1887) - 2
Roquebrune (1893) - 4
Hautesse1891 - 4
Archiduc (1881) - 1
Hauteur (1880) - 4
Lady Fair Play1916 - 12
Fair Play1905 - 9
Hastings1893 - 21
Spendthrift (1876) - A3
Cinderella (1885) - 21
Fairy Gold1896 - 9
Bend Or (1877) - 1
Dame Masham (1889) - 9
Crystal Maid1906 - 12
Pirate Of Penzance1882 - 8
Prince Charlie (1869) - 12
Plunder (1864) - 8
Silk Maid1901 - 12
Esher (1883) - 6
Kate Pelletier (1891) - 12
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