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Wisdom1873 - 7
Blinkhoolie1864 - 10
Rataplan1850 - 3
The Baron (1842) - 24
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Queen Mary1843 - 10-a
Gladiator (1833) - 22
Plenipotentiary Mare (1840) - 10
Aline1862 - 7
Stockwell1849 - 3
Jeu D'Esprit1852 - 7-d
Flatcatcher (1845) - 3
Extempore (1840) - 7
Candahar1874 - 8
Honiton1863 - 1
Flax1855 - 1
Surplice (1845) - 2
Odessa (1833) - 1
Samarcand1859 - 8
The Little Known1836 - 11
Muley (1810) - 6
Lacerta (1816) - 11
Libusa1843 - 8
Mulatto (1823) - 5
Bohemienne (1839) - 8
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