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Mainbrace1947 - 5
Admiral's Luck1940 - 10
Precipitation1933 - 2
Hurry On (1913) - 2
Double Life (1926) - 2
Gainsborough Lass1934 - 10
Gainsborough (1915) - 2
Golden Hair (1920) - 10
Maneroo1936 - 5
Siegfried1925 - 1
Son-In-Law (1911) - 5
Fire Mist (1918) - 1
Haligan1917 - 5
Hallowmas (1908) - 20
Bonny Helen (1910) - 5
Queen's Carol1950 - 19
Foxbridge1930 - 14
Foxlaw1922 - 2
Alope (1909) - 2
Bridgemount1919 - 14
Bridge Of Earn (1906) - 8
Mountain Mint (1909) - 14
Pelisse1933 - 19
Whirlwind1924 - 1
Galloper Light (1916) - 3
Double Back (1913) - 1
Pellet1921 - 19
Thurnham (1912) - 3
Pell (1913) - 19
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