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Silver1883 - 2
Sterling1868 - 12
Oxford1857 - 12
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Honey Dear (1844) - 12
Whisper1857 - 12
Flatcatcher (1845) - 3
Silence (1848) - 12
Lucetta1876 - 2
Tibthorpe1864 - 16
Voltigeur (1847) - 2
Little Agnes (1856) - 16
Verona1854 - 2
Orlando (1841) - 13
Iodine (1845) - 2
Zorila1879 - 2
Nuneham1869 - 3
Auricula1861 - 3
Ambrose (1849) - 16
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Guadaloupe1869 - 2
Neptunus1859 - 1
Weatherbit (1842) - 12
Athena Pallas (1849) - 1
Curacoa1860 - 2
The Cure (1841) - 6
Tasmania (1854) - 2
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