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Sortie1925 - 22
On Watch1917 - 4
Colin1905 - 19
Commando (1898) - 12
Pastorella (1892) - 19
Rubia Granda1906 - 4
Greenan (1895) - 1
The Great Ruby (1900) - 4
Kippy1920 - 22
Broomstick1901 - 16
Ben Brush (1893) - A1
Elf (1893) - 16
Seamstress1915 - 22
Star Shoot (1898) - 9
Busy Maid (1900) - 22
One Hour1925 - 9
Snob II1919 - 1
Prestige1903 - 4
Le Pompon (1891) - 18
Orgueilleuse (1894) - 4
May Dora1911 - 1
Isidor (1894) - 13
Mai (1896) - 1
Daylight Saving1918 - 9
Star Shoot1898 - 9
Isinglass (1890) - 3
Astrology (1887) - 9
Tea Enough1911 - 9
Ogden (1894) - 6
Tea's Over (1893) - 9
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