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Fairthorn1942 - 8
Fair Trial1932 - 9
Fairway1925 - 13
Phalaris (1913) - 1
Scapa Flow (1914) - 13
Lady Juror1919 - 9
Son-In-Law (1911) - 5
Lady Josephine (1912) - 9
Parity1933 - 8
Blandford1919 - 3
Swynford (1907) - 1
Blanche (1912) - 3
Paritat1918 - 8
Lycaon (1908) - 5
Pari (1913) - 8
Crush1945 - 6
Asbestos II1932 - 2
Asterus1923 - 9
Teddy (1913) - 2
Astrella (1912) - 9
Cnidos1925 - 2
Orpheus (1917) - 19
Renaissance (1902) - 2
Calcine1938 - 6
To You1926 - 10
Tetratema (1917) - 14
Laelia (1908) - 10
Polverine1926 - 6
Polystome (1912) - 28
Pearlite (1913) - 6
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