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Manacle1964 - 16
Sing Sing1957 - 13
Tudor Minstrel1944 - 9
Owen Tudor (1938) - 10
Sansonnet (1933) - 9
Agin The Law1946 - 13
Portlaw (1928) - 8
Revolte (1933) - 13
Hard And Fast1957 - 16
Hard Sauce1948 - 11
Ardan (1941) - 1
Saucy Bella (1941) - 11
Boodley1950 - 16
Borealis (1941) - 1
Estrellita (1941) - 16
Miss McLairon1965 - 2
Klairon1952 - 1
Clarion1944 - 1
Djebel (1937) - 5
Columba (1930) - 1
Kalmia1931 - 1
Kantar (1925) - 3
Sweet Lavender (1923) - 1
Miss McTaffy1955 - 2
Jock Scot1945 - 23
Scottish Union (1935) - 19
Joan Drake (1937) - 23
Pontypridd1943 - 2
Pont L'Eveque (1937) - 3
Sweet Aloe (1935) - 2
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