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Little Owl1974 - 1
Royal Yacht1961 - 10
Grey Sovereign1948 - 6
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Kong (1933) - 6
Rolling Barge1951 - 10
Royal Barge (1944) - 4
Rolling Sea (1942) - 10
Colisee Kate1962 - 1
Colisee1956 - 4
Delirium (1945) - 8
Roman Empress (1938) - 4
Persian Kate1955 - 1
Persian Book (1943) - 8
St Catherine (1944) - 1
Parisian Belle1979 -
Paris Review1972 - 1
Noholme II1956 - 1
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Oceana (1947) - 1
Pride Of Paris1954 - 1
Double Jay (1944) - 14
Holiday Girl (1943) - 1
Christie1974 - 6
Marmaduke1965 - 3
Galivanter (1956) - 4
Gaiety Girl (1951) - 3
Agatha1968 - 6
Royal Record (1958) - 1
March Spray (1958) - 6
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