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Teleferique1934 - 20
Bacteriophage1929 - 25
Tetratema1917 - 14
The Tetrarch (1911) - 2
Scotch Gift (1907) - 14
Pharmacie1918 - 25
Charles O'Malley (1907) - 5
Prescription (1912) - 25
Beaute De Neige1912 - 20
St Just1907 - 12
St Frusquin (1893) - 22
Justitia (1896) - 12
Bellezza1907 - 20
Laveno (1892) - 1
Belladona (1896) - 20
Cannelle1942 - 20
Biribi1923 - 27
Rabelais1900 - 14
St Simon (1881) - 11
Satirical (1891) - 14
La Bidouze1915 - 27
Chouberski (1902) - 28
La Bidassoa (1907) - 27
Armoise1930 - 20
Blandford1919 - 3
Swynford (1907) - 1
Blanche (1912) - 3
Coriandre1925 - 20
La Farina (1911) - 4
Cicerole (1917) - 20
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