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Supremo1992 - 4
Gone West1984 - 2
Mr Prospector1970 - 13
Raise A Native (1961) - 8
Gold Digger (1962) - 13
Secrettame1978 - 2
Secretariat (1970) - 2
Tamerett (1962) - 2
Personal Glory1987 - 4
Danzig1977 - 7
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Pas De Nom (1968) - 7
Andover Way1978 - 4
His Majesty (1968) - 4
On The Trail (1964) - 4
Overwhelming1982 - 13
Broadway Forli1974 - 12
Forli1963 - 3
Aristophanes (1948) - 9
Trevisa (1951) - 3
Broadway Melody1964 - 12
Tudor Melody (1956) - 1
Goldwyn Girl (1953) - 12
Misinform1972 - 13
Info1964 - 1
Crafty Admiral (1948) - 8
Golly (1951) - 1
Bossy Bolin1956 - 13
Faultless (1944) - 4
Blue Thistle (1949) - 13
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