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To Market1948 - 10
Market Wise1938 - 22
Brokers Tip1930 - 12
Black Toney (1911) - 10
Forteresse (1926) - 12
On Hand1931 - 22
On Watch (1917) - 4
Kippy (1920) - 22
Pretty Does1944 - 10
Johnstown1936 - 17
Jamestown (1928) - 9
La France (1928) - 17
Creese1933 - 10
Sickle (1924) - 6
Circlet (1924) - 10
Allemande1955 - 1
Counterpoint1948 - A1
Count Fleet1940 - 6
Reigh Count (1925) - 2
Quickly (1930) - 6
Jabot1931 - A1
Frilette (1924) - A1
Big Hurry1936 - 1
Black Toney1911 - 10
Peter Pan (1904) - 2
Belgravia (1903) - 10
La Troienne1926 - 1
Teddy (1913) - 2
Helene De Troie (1916) - 1
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