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Reconnaissance1985 - 1
Mr Prospector1970 - 13
Raise A Native1961 - 8
Native Dancer (1950) - 5
Raise You (1946) - 8
Gold Digger1962 - 13
Nashua (1952) - 3
Sequence (1946) - 13
Croquis1976 - 1
Arts And Letters1966 - 1
Ribot (1952) - 4
All Beautiful (1959) - 1
Unity Hall1968 - 1
Cyane (1959) - 16
Rum Bottle Bay (1959) - 1
Marinera1983 - 4
Domineau1976 - 2
Never Bend1960 - 19
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Lalun (1952) - 19
Pop's Pick1969 - 2
Ways And Means (1958) - 3
Just A Chance (1961) - 2
Marina Del Rey1979 - 4
Mr Long1969 - 23
Sea-Bird (1962) - 2
Kessette (1956) - 23
La Riberena1963 - 4
Espace Vital (1945) - 16
Raquelita (1948) - 4
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