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Flash Of Steel1983 - 9
Kris1976 - 2
Sharpen Up1969 - 5
Atan (1961) - 2
Rocchetta (1961) - 5
Doubly Sure1971 - 2
Reliance (1962) - 16
Soft Angels (1963) - 2
Spark Of Fire1979 - 9
Run The Gantlet1968 - 5
Tom Rolfe (1962) - 9
First Feather (1963) - 5
Sparkalark1970 - 9
Cornish Prince (1962) - 1
Diamond Ring (1962) - 9
All Nerve1977 - 16
Baguette1967 - 6
Rego1949 - 5
Nasrullah (1940) - 9
Missy Suntan (1941) - 5
Dark Jewel1953 - 6
Star Kingdom (1946) - 1
Red Lace (1940) - 6
La Prevoyante1970 - 16
Coeur Volant1957 - 9
Palestine (1947) - 3
Diableretta (1947) - 9
Real Delight1951 - 16
Nilo (1945) - 9
Lady Antog (1942) - 16
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