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Noe1883 - 3
Phoenix1875 - 25
Cymbal1867 - 17
Kettledrum (1858) - 3
Nelly Hill (1851) - 17
Belle Etoile1859 - 25
First Born (1848) - 5
Jessie (1835) - 25
Annie Bland1869 - 3
King John1861 - 1
Kingston (1849) - 12
Dinah (1844) - 1
Marseillaise1856 - 3
Bay Middleton (1833) - 1
Triangle (1849) - 3
My Mary Anne1874 - 43
Lord Ronald1862 - 7
Stockwell1849 - 3
The Baron (1842) - 24
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Edith1857 - 7
Newminster (1848) - 8
Deidamia (1852) - 7
Jane1861 - 43
Porto Rico1853 - 12
Orlando (1841) - 13
Bay Middleton Mare (12) (1839) - 12
Bay Jane1849 - 43
Arthur (1833) - 7
Jane (1832) - 43
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