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Gala Performance1964 - 10
Native Dancer1950 - 5
Polynesian1942 - 14
Unbreakable (1935) - 4
Black Polly (1936) - 14
Geisha1943 - 5
Discovery (1931) - 23
Miyako (1935) - 5
Red Letter Day1952 - 10
Rosemont1932 - 4
The Porter (1915) - 14
Garden Rose (1923) - 4
Good Example1944 - 10
Pilate (1928) - 14
Parade Girl (1933) - 10
Casacello1967 - 26
Punchinello1954 - 3
Niccolo Dell'arca1938 - 4
Coronach (1923) - 4
Nogara (1928) - 4
Grande Corniche1941 - 3
Panorama (1936) - 1
Joy-Ride (1931) - 3
Casa's Image1950 - 26
Bellman1936 - 8
Achtoi (1912) - 13
Silver Belle (1931) - 8
Casa Pepe1937 - 26
Tonton (1921) - 2
Little Cash (1931) - 26
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