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Enigmatic1946 - 1
British Empire1937 - 3
Colombo1931 - 11
Manna (1922) - 22
Lady Nairne (1919) - 11
Rose Of England1927 - 3
Teddy (1913) - 2
Perce-Neige (1916) - 3
Modern Miss1934 - 1
Hotweed1926 - 1
Bruleur (1910) - 4
Seaweed (1916) - 1
Versatile1918 - 1
Chaucer (1900) - 1
Verve (1909) - 1
Mosfeia1950 - 5
Remo1943 - 4
Ipe1932 - 19
Town Guard (1920) - 7
Creditable (1921) - 19
Remera1932 - 4
Re-Echo (1919) - 32
Seguidora (1926) - 4
Linda Prenda1939 - 5
Master Vere1931 - 7
Felstead (1925) - 3
Tetranella (1926) - 7
Prenda Mia1933 - 5
La Suerte (1922) - 5
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