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Dalham1871 - 21
Cathedral1861 - 8
Newminster1848 - 8
Touchstone (1831) - 14
Beeswing (1833) - 8
Stolen Moments1852 - 8
Melbourne (1834) - 1
Lady Elizabeth (1845) - 8
Gertrude1865 - 21
The Marquis1859 - 2
Stockwell (1849) - 3
Cinizelli (1842) - 2
Betsy Carr1859 - 21
Fazzoletto (1853) - 31
Pink Bonnet (1844) - 21
Alabama II1875 - 8
Glenlyon1866 - 1
Stockwell1849 - 3
The Baron (1842) - 24
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Glengowrie1851 - 1
Glencairne (1838) - 1
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