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Sheikh Albadou1988 - 19
Green Desert1983 - A4
Danzig1977 - 7
Northern Dancer (1961) - 2
Pas De Nom (1968) - 7
Foreign Courier1979 - A4
Sir Ivor (1965) - 8
Courtly Dee (1968) - A4
Sanctuary1979 - 19
Welsh Pageant1966 - 1
Tudor Melody (1956) - 1
Picture Light (1954) - 1
Hiding Place1963 - 19
Doutelle (1954) - 2
Jojo (1950) - 19
Cancun Ruler1987 - 1
Key To The Mint1969 - 2
Graustark1963 - 4
Ribot (1952) - 4
Flower Bowl (1952) - 4
Key Bridge1959 - 2
Princequillo (1940) - 1
Blue Banner (1952) - 2
Temper The Wind1980 - 1
Elocutionist1973 - 2
Gallant Romeo (1961) - 23
Strictly Speaking (1967) - 2
Race The Tide1974 - 1
Cyane (1959) - 16
Rum Bottle Bay (1959) - 1
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