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Rostrevor1871 - 20
Thormanby1857 - 4
Windhound1847 - 3
Pantaloon (1824) - 17
Phryne (1840) - 3
Alice Hawthorn1838 - 4-f
Muley Moloch (1830) - 9
Rebecca (1831) - 4
Lady Augusta1860 - 20
Stockwell1849 - 3
The Baron (1842) - 24
Pocahontas (1837) - 3
Meeanee1844 - 20
Touchstone (1831) - 14
Ghuznee (1838) - 20
Christina1867 - 23
Plum Pudding1857 - 3
Sweetmeat1842 - 21
Gladiator (1833) - 22
Lollypop (1836) - 21
Foinnualla1843 - 3
Birdcatcher (1833) - 11
Brandy Bet (1829) - 3
Hetman Platoff Mare1845 - 23
Hetman Platoff1836 - 2
Brutandorf (1821) - 11
Comus Mare (1821) - 2
Whim1832 - 23
Drone (1823) - 2
Kiss (1827) - 23
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