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Unconquered1981 - 2
Without Fear1967 - 4
Baldric1961 - 13
Round Table (1954) - 2
Two Cities (1948) - 13
Never Too Late1957 - 4
Never Say Die (1951) - 1
Gloria Nicky (1952) - 4
Ace Queen1972 - 2
St Crepe1964 - 16
St Paddy (1957) - 14
Crepuscule (1948) - 16
Fast Finesse1968 - 2
Natural Bid (1957) - 14
Sweet And Fleet (1961) - 2
Cousin Of Mine1971 -
Goupi1962 - 4
Premonition1950 - 14
Precipitation (1933) - 2
Trial Ground (1944) - 14
Marie De Medeci1954 - 4
Tenerani (1944) - 6
Henriette Maria (1939) - 4
Petite Amie1959 - 1
Osborne1947 - 4
Verso II (1940) - 3
Orthez (1941) - 4
Fayastra1948 - 1
Macarthur (1940) - 4
Princess Clare (1932) - 1
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