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Cosmic Planet1977 - 5
Planet Kingdom1967 - 2
Star Kingdom1946 - 1
Stardust (1937) - 16
Impromptu (1939) - 1
Lilting1960 - 2
Messmate (1954) - 9
Del Monte (1954) - 2
Delightful Girl1969 - 5
Major General1956 - 1
Court Martial (1942) - 1
Red Shoes (1948) - 1
Highly Delighted1963 - 5
Knight's Romance (1949) - 10
Gay Abandon (1945) - 5
Default1974 - 2
Peter's Yarn1957 - 14
Vilmorin1943 - 7
Gold Bridge (1929) - 22
Queen Of The Meadows (1938) - 7
Naval Yarn1950 - 14
Nearco (1935) - 4
Distaff (1938) - 14
Renegade1952 - 2
Defaulter1935 - 4
Defoe (1926) - 3
Expense (1924) - 4
Raphina1948 - 2
Lord Bobs (1941) - 14
Raphis (1934) - 2
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