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Jack Ketch1954 - 1
Abadan1947 - 14
Persian Gulf1940 - 2
Bahram (1932) - 16
Double Life (1926) - 2
Affair1942 - 14
Fair Trial (1932) - 9
Araminta (1933) - 14
Law1936 - 1
Son-In-Law1911 - 5
Dark Ronald (1905) - 9
Mother In Law (1906) - 5
Anne O'Avon1932 - 1
Stratford (1919) - 1
Anne Lovely (1926) - 1
Bridal Stream1949 - 2
Midstream1933 - 7
Blandford1919 - 3
Swynford (1907) - 1
Blanche (1912) - 3
Midsummer1924 - 7
Abbots Trace (1917) - 4
Dew Of June (1913) - 7
True Ring1941 - 2
Constant Son1925 - 3
Son-In-Law (1911) - 5
Constant Lady (1918) - 3
Farfadet1922 - 2
Hurry On (1913) - 2
Woodsprite (1916) - 2
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