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Charleville1917 - 2
Charles O'Malley1907 - 5
Desmond1896 - 16
St Simon (1881) - 11
L'Abbesse De Jouarre (1886) - 16
Goody Two Shoes1899 - 5
Isinglass (1890) - 3
Sandal (1885) - 5
Ladytown1902 - 2
Gallinule1884 - 19
Isonomy (1875) - 19
Moorhen (1873) - 19
Downey1890 - 2
Hagioscope (1878) - 23
Lenity (1883) - 2
Fillette1905 - 6
St Fillan1902 - 4
St Frusquin1893 - 22
Isabel (1879) - 22
Countess Lilian1885 - 4
Lady Lumley (1875) - 4
Mrs Veal1890 - 6
Robert The Devil1877 - 1
Bertram (1869) - 18
Cast Off (1866) - 1
Cipollina1882 - 6
Macaroni (1860) - 14
The Duckling (1867) - 6
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