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Negofol1906 - 17
Childwick1890 - 19
St Simon1881 - 11
Galopin (1872) - 3
St Angela (1865) - 11
Plaisanterie1882 - 19
Wellingtonia (1869) - 3
Poetess (1875) - 19
Nebrouze1899 - 17
Hoche1889 - 19
Robert The Devil (1877) - 1
Hermita (1871) - 19
Nebuleuse1887 - 17
Manoel (1880) - 19
Navarre (1870) - 17
Portland Urn1920 - 5
Son-In-Law1911 - 5
Dark Ronald1905 - 9
Bay Ronald (1893) - 3
Darkie (1889) - 9
Mother In Law1906 - 5
Matchmaker (1892) - 22
Be Cannie (1891) - 5
Lady Portland1907 - 5
Bill Of Portland1890 - 26
St Simon (1881) - 11
Electric Light (1876) - 26
Doris1898 - 5
Loved One (1883) - 1
Lauretta (1883) - 5
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